“To provide enrichment to the lives of fur kids through exercise, discipline, and affection in a safe, social, and positive environment”.


  1. We will provide the fur kids an opportunity to connect with their inner-dog by being a part of a disciplined and structured pack.

Dogs by nature are pack animals.  In this dynamic, regardless if the pack members are canine and/or human, a social hierarchy is established and then rules are learned and enforced, creating a peaceful coexistence.

  1. We will provide physical and mental exercise for the fur kids so they return home drained of pent up unproductive energy.

Stimulation, whether in the form of a structured walk/’migration’ or from just following instructions, allow the energy to be expended on productive tasks.

  1. We will provide fur parents information and guidance on calm assertive leadership to further enhance their pet relationship.

Consistent calmness, assertiveness, and leadership are the foundation to a positive and responsive pet relationship.

  1. We will maintain a safe, clean, and structured environment that is also fun and the preferred choice for both fur kids and fur parents.

Just Fur Kids Dog Daycare® is a ‘no-bark’ facility where fur kids interact and play in a respectful manner.  The facility is sanitized daily with products completely friendly to pets, humans, and the environmental.  All the equipment within the space is specifically designed with fur kids in mind.

  1. We offer a selection of supporting services and products that contribute to the overall enrichment of the lives of the fur kids.

While the fur kids are here, the options are available for them to be also bathed and groomed, enrolled in upcoming group or individual learning, and/or to go home with unique but nutritionally sound food and snack options.

Core Values: (for humans and fur kids alike)

  1. Never judge- just Compassionately Assist, Respectfully Educate (C.A.R.E.).
  1. Live a balanced lifestyle of exercise, nutrition, discipline, and affection.
  1. Safety and well-being is always top priority.
  1. Every interaction is conducted calmly and assertively.
  1. Respect runs both ways- never ask anything of another you would not do yourself.
  1. Do what you say and say what you mean is acting with honesty and integrity.
  1. Approach each day with the intent to both learn and teach because knowledge is infinite and meant to be shared.
  1. Love what you do.
  1. Solutions are more plentiful than problems and often appear when yes is said before no.