Coming out of Thanksgiving and heading towards the first anniversary of Just Fur Kids Dog Daycare®, I’d like to express my thankfulness for the wonderful fur kids and fur parents that make the daycare possible.
From October 11th to November 9th, 2016, all FURever Passes purchased qualify for a chance to win a special treat basket. This basket contains an Annie’s Pooch Pops© Happy Dog Meal, a gift certificate for a pawdicure, a plush blanket, a collapsible travel bowl, two Nothing Added© bully sticks, a box of Earth Rated© poop bags, and a gift card for a SiliDog© no jingle dog tag. Total retail value is over $100!
Whenever a FURever pass is purchased during these 30 days leading to our one year anniversary, a ballot will be automatically put into the ballot box. Every 5 days purchased earns one ballot. So for example, a 10 day pass puts two ballots into the box, and a month pass puts in four ballots.
Just a small token of appreciation for all the furiends we have made so far. Boo, Acey and I are furever grateful for all the fur parents who let their fur kids come spend time with us each week- we love all our pals. Good luck on the draw on November 10th, and thank you again!